1 When Sree narayana Guru was six years old, there was a severe drought in the village, i.e. Chempazhanthi. Wells, streams, ponds etc, dries up. People, cattle and other animals were struggled to live without water. Plants and trees withered. Seeing the catastrope, young Nanu expressed to his mother that he desires to offer a prayer to invoke Lord Kali for rain. Accordingly, He prayed for rain and to the surprise of the people who had assembled, witnessed down pour.

3 Around 1894, the days when the Guru was staying at Aruvippuram, there was a severe drought. The local people approached the guru for relief from their suffering on account of severe drought. The , on hearing them, sat meditating for a while, and composed a few stanzas in Malayalam known as "Ardhanareswarastavam" and asked them to chant the same. Within two hoours there was a downpour, flooding the nearby river, Neyyar.
4 A temple was constructed by the Guru in 1913 at Anchuthengu in Trivandrum District, near the sea shore. The devotees informed the Guru that from the well in the in the Temple premises, they were getting only salty water which was unfit for rituals of worship. On hearing them, the Guru walked around in the Temple compound and drew a circle on the ground with his hand stick and asked devotees to dig a well there. On digging the well, they were surprised to experience that the new well, yielded sweet water. This well is in existence even on date.
5 In Trichur District, at Vadanapally, a devotee named Vynakattil Shankaran had a house near the sea sore. During the sewa erosion in 1924, the devotee was worried that this house might be destroyed by the high and furious waves of the sea. So he approached the Guru and prayed Him that he may be saved from this danger. The Guru visited the shore and simply said "let the sea be calm". The sea subsided and never thereafter did it relapse after the word was pronounced by the Guru.
6 Sri Vilayathu Krishnan Asan had a friend by name Mannur Papu who was suffering from chronic tuberculosis. He wa a miser and a poor man. In 1899 he went to Sivagiri and donated Rs.1500/- to the Guru with the hope of getting cured of his disease. In fact the amount of Rs. 1500/- donated was beyond his financial capacity. He stayed in Shivagiri under the care of Guru for three months. During this period Sree Narayana Guru himself treated him, and also by other physicians. But his health turned from bad to worse. Everybody concluded that Papu's death is imminent and he may die at any moment. Hence his relatives shifted him to his house. At this stage V.Krishnan felt that the Guru should not have accepted the donation fom that poor man. Thereafter, one day, Sree Narayana Guru visited Papu's house without being seen by anybody. enquired about his welfare and health and offered him a banana plucked from the bunch kept in a side room and asked him to eat it. The Guru furhter told him that on eating the fruit Papu would get cured of his desease and cotinue to live. Then the Guru left the room saying that he will see him later. Gradually Papu fully recovered from his desease and lived a normal life for ten more years
7 Sree Narayana Guru sent Bhargavan Vaidyar to Kollam to withdraw from the Quilon Bank Rs. 4000/- the value of it at that period was very high. Bhargavan Vaodyar completed his work at the Bank and started to reach Lollam Railway Station, by that time, the train to reach Varkala had already left the Railway Station. Therefore he was compelled to stay at the Railway station that bight. He kept sufficient coins to buy train ticket etc; handy. The Rs.4000/- withdraw from the bank, wrapped securely was also in his possession. At midnight at the Railway Station, Police searched all the passengers sleeping in the station. The Police found Rs.400/- with Bhargavan Vaidyar and came to the conclusion that Vaidyar was a thief and took him to the police station and kept him in the lock-up in spite of his revealing his identity and the facts etc. Early nexst morning a constable informed Vaidyra that Sree Narayana Guru was waiting for him in his car outside. On knowing the facts from Sree Narayana Guru, Vaidyar was released from the lock-up and the Guru took him in his car to Varkala. The highlight of the above incident is that during those days, nor any quick mode of transport or communication facility at that odd hours for Vaidyar to pass on the information of the incidents to the Guru. It is also a wonder as to how Sree Narayana Guru could know about VAidyar's being in the lock-up in the police station. This is an incident to establish that the Guru was endowed with the mystic powers (telepathy) to know "what is happening" around him, even at far away places, like great sage Bharadwaja of the Ramayana who could view the past, present and the future with his inner eye.
8 Kesavan Pillai was a relative of Chemapzanthi Moothapillai. He had a big wholesale shop whic was doing roaring business at Poondum Mutel. One day Kesavan Pillai, invited the Guru to his shop. Guru while leaving the shop, advised Kesavan PIllai to close his business. People/customers present there were surprised as to why the Guru advised Kesavan Pillai to stop his flouring business. Within a short period of time, Kesavan Pillai was arrested for circulating counterfeit coins, was imprisoned and later he died.
9 In Augest 1928, a paralysed woman unable to walk, in her last days of life, was brought to the Guru by her relatives. The Guru sprinkled sacred water on her and the relatives who had gathered around the woman, then she got up and startd to walk as if in good health.
10 At Kottayam Nagampadam Temple, while Sree Narayana Guru was relaxing, many devotees came to him and donated cash liberally. Among them a poor woman also donated Rs.5/-. On observing her keenly, the Guru ordered his disciple to return the donation of Rs.5/- who acted accordingly. The woman was reluctant to take it back fearing that the Guru had not accepted the donations as it back fearing that the Guru had not accepted the donation as it was too mearge. She pathetically expressed to the Guru that she was very poor and raised the amount of Rs.5/- by pawning the only small jewellery she had. The the Guru took the donation smilingly from His disciple and returned the same to the poor woman, with His blessings. Unable to say anything she received the amount with reverence and later on she became wealthy.
11 Once when the Guru was at Madras he was the Guest of Moolayil Krishnan. One day the Guru and his disciple Guruprasad left the house at 3.00 a.m. for a walk to the beach and by 8.00 a.m. reached Mylapore Temple, none at that place was known to them. Therefore Guruprasad proposed for refreshing etc., to go to Circle Inspector P.T. Kannan's house known to him. The Guru told Guruprasad that if there is faith of God, there would not be any dearth for anything and all necessities would be met on their own accord. After a while, when they were still in temple premises a Mudaliar woman came to them with fruits and milk and offered them to the Guru. She told the Guru, that on the previous night she had a dream in which she had a vision that a great Saint would be prsent in Mylapore Temple the next day morning . Then the Guru enquired about her stomach-ache. She was surprised at this enquiry as she had never met the Guru earlier, but confirmed that she had been suffering from it since years. The Guru blessed her "Hereafter you will not have stomach-ache". Accordingly, she got relieved of the pain/ailment.
12 K.M. Sekharan was a retired clerk from the District Court of Anchuthengu. In 1912, when he went to Varkala, he purchased a card size thin photo of Sree Narayana Guru which was readily available there at that time. He found that hte photo was not suitable to be kept either on the table or to hang on the wall. Therefore he desired to purchase a bigger size glass-framed better photo of Sree naryana Guru. He never revealed his desire to any one and forgot the same. One day at 10.p.m, a stranger knocked at his door. Sekharan opened the door and saw a person standing there. The man asked whether Sekharan need photo?. Then Sekharan asked "whose phoyo?". Then the stranger opened a packet which he had with him and showed a glass framed photo of Sree Narayana Guru which was exactly what Sekharan desired. The stranger took from Sekharan Rs.1/- and left saying that he was in a hurry to go to catch the train. Subsequently it was known that at that odd hour there was no train scheduled from that station. Sekharan or his family members could not make Sree Narayana Guru. Later when he told about this incident to his likeminded friends they unanimously concluded that the stranger could be none other than Sree Narayana Guru hinself who loved to meet his devotees even at distant places at any time.
13 Once the Guru was relaxing at the Kolathukara Temple premises in Kolathur. Then a Nambudiri (Brahmin) visited the Guru. He told the Guru that he knew that art of mesmerism and can make anyone sleep and reveal his/their past incidents while in sleep. Then the Guru asked him whether the man could make him sleep. The man agreed. The Guru and Nambudiri looked at each other with concentration. Nambudiri uttered some words and ordered the Guru to sleep. But after a while Nambudiri slept while the Guru was looking at him smilingly. People gathered there were surprised at this. The Guru then took a little sacred water from the Kamandalam and sprinkled on the face of Nambudiri who wokeup. Nambudiri prostrated before the Guru and prayed that he might be excused.
14 T.K.Narayana, a permanent resideent of Cochi was an ardent devotee of Sree narayana Guru. It was an established fact to the native of Cochi that whenever Sree narayan Guru came to Cochi, he would pay a visit to T.K.Narayana's house. He used to make elaborate arrangements with delicious eatables etc., to offer to the Divine guest and other devotees. T.K. Narayan had three friends named K.G.Thomson, JAcob and Hajee Jaffer Seth. These three friends with a view to ridicule and enjoy the fun and food, fabricated a story that Sree narayana Guru had come to come to Cochi and would be visiting the Narayanan's house. Believing that news, as usual Narayanan made elaborate arrangements with delicious eatables to welcome the Guru along with other devotees. On completion of the arrangements by Narayanan, his friends revealed that they fibbed just to enjoy the fun and started merrymaking at the success of their plan. But to the surprise of every one there, Sree Narayana Guru walked in at that very moment. One of the Guru's disciple Guruprasad was a witness to this incident.
15 At that time at Aruvipuram there was only a small temple on the river bank and an Ashram also with provision for visiting pilgrims to sit. One day Sree Narayana Guru and Valiyath Krishnan Asan were discussing some issues. At that time an aged carpenter came there holding a folded umbrella. He was sceptical about the Guru's powers and had wanted to test Him. He reverently prostrated before the Guru and sat nearer to Krishnan Asan. The Guru being omniscient, understood the purpose behind the carpenter's visit, asked him to share the rice flakes and coconut concealed in the umbrella. with all others present there.
At this the carpenter was amazed and also felt humilated at his ignorance to put the Guru to test. Then he took out the hidden eatables from the umbrella and reverently prostrated before The Guru. The Guru asked the carpenter whether he was satisfied or needed anything else further. Then the carpenter submitted that he was very much convinced and asked the Guru's forgiveness for his foolish act.
16 Once Sree Narayana Guru went to Vaikkom village for fund-raising for Sivagiri High School. The villagers in large number came forward to donate their mite in cash. A poor woman who had no money pawned her only valuable asset, a brass lamp which she regularly used to lit before worshipping. When she was about to handover to the Guru's authorized person, the amount of Rs.3/- which was all she got out of the pawn the Guru instructed him not to take the amount from her and hence need not write a receipt. On hearing this poor woman was greatly disappointed and started weeping. Then the Guru consoled the woman saying that she should not have any dissatisfaction in her mind for not donating some thing and the act of sacrificing her only valuable asset at the cost of permanent inconvenience for her prayer deserves high appreceation and hence deemed as if she had donated the amount.
17 In the year 1881 one moring , Sree Narayana Guru visited Govindanasan's house at Amaravilakam. After pleasantries Govindanasan's served lunch reverently to the Guru. Then Govindanasan's pet cat also came and sat before the Guru. Prior to commencing taking food, the Guru placed one big morsel and two samll morsels of the food saying that the big morsel id for the cat and the other two small morsels for kittens. The Guru after finishing his launch left the house. Govindanasan and the family members were inquisitive as to why the Guru placed two more morsels specifically telling thqt it was for the kittens when there were no kittens in their house. Hence Govindanasan and family members made vigorous search of every nook and corner to find out whether there were any kitten in their house. Then surprisingly they noticed on the top of a wooden rack two kittens, which had not even opened their eyes. All the family members were puzzled with reverenc eas to how the Guru came to know about the presence of the two kittens in their house, the fact which they themselves were unaware of.
18 Once Sree Narayana Guru was having a discussion with Unniasan. Then a person who was considered to be a miser came there. Seeing the stranger the Guru enquired him whether he was educating his children. He replied that since he was not having money, he was not educating his children. Then the Guru jokingly asked him as to how much he was having with him at that very moment. He replied that he was not having even a single pie. Then the Guru asked Unniasan whether he could tell the figure. Then the Guru said that the stranger told a lie that he was not having even a pie. The fact is that he started with Rs.7/- from his house, in route he spent Rs.2/- so he is having Rs.5/- with him at present. Unniasan searched the stranger and it was found that he was having Rs. 5/- with him. The stranger accepted that he told a lie.
19 When Sree Narayana Guru was taking rest at Madhavan's house in Pulimudu in Thiruvanathapuram, one person brought a bunch of plantains and offered it to the Guru. He had secretly inserted a needle in one of the plantains in the bunch. The accepted it and randomly picked one fruit from the bunch and offered to the donor. This was the same fruit in which the needle was secretly inserted by the donor. He was frightened at this and hastily left the spot.
20 Once the Guru was talking to Cahithanya Swamy at Aluva Ashram and for a short spell the Guru was silent. After the silence the Guru told Chaithany Swamy that he had been Aruvippuram to bless a woamn devotee. Chaithanya Swamy could not make out the Guru's point. After few days Chaithanya Swamy happened to go to Aruvippuram. Then he came to know of an incident which took place on the same day exactly at the same time when the Guru observed silence for a few minutes during the course of his conversation at Aluva. A blind woman devotee was one of the participants in the prayer meeting held at Aruvippuram. While all the participants were chanting prayer, all of a sudden the blind woman devotee out of ommense happiness shouted to announce that she got her eye sight by the grace of a Swamy who opened her eyes and restored her sight. Then the devotees near her asked to identify the Swamy among the Swamies present there, she said none of them was the Swamy who restored her eye sight. Then one devotee brought and showed the photo of Sree narayana Guru to the woman. The moment the woman saw the photo she said that this was the Swamy who restored her eye sught. This is an incident which shows the Guru was also omnipresent lke Lord Krishna.
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